Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This is not a harmless joke because if hes not getting caught and he countinues and doesnt stop but sooner or later he does and he already changed alot of things then its already to late and idk that ha might end up in jail so i think it will be safe for him not to do it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

i think its dumb cause why would they look in there personal myspace. But yet its the people cause there stupid enough to put everything. Pluse people shouldnt be looking why do you think its called myspace cause its there myspace not other peoples and if any one doesnt have respect for other peoples property then why have one and just be careful what you put or write. Also why would other people agree to met other people out in public. Also dont put any pictures of what you did or your skools like mascot or what ever. If i were you if you dont have respect for or to other people dont have one.

do now 12-3-08

The mission is to finish the essay that we or you started and add pictures and colors also a back ground n clip art n link something.